Celebrate Highwood!
The Highwood Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting and improving the business community. It sponsors many programs and events throughout the year that highlight the community's special resources and its vibrancy. Hundreds of people come here for Bloody Mary Fest on Sunday, July 31st 10am-5pm at Everts Park); Garlic Fest is August 24th 4-9pm, and every Wednesday (June 8 through August 31st) is Highwood's Evening Gourmet Market from 4-9 pm at Everts Park. Continuing this year is Girls Night Out on Thursday, April 21st from 5-9pm. A progressive evening for North Shore ladies to mix and mingle within various Highwood businesses. Indulge in spa treatments, shopping specials, food, drinks and more! Check the calendar of events for more details on our website and go to CelebrateHighwood.com for updates and information on all events. The Chamber seeks new businesses and provides networking opportunities by hosting after hours mixers at local businesses. Highwood is famous for its many restaurants: both fine dining and casual. Check out our website: www.highwood-dining.com for more information about the restaurants. Come visit our Highwood Treasures! There are many exciting antique and consignments stores in Highwood.
Keywords: Antique Consignment stores, Restaurants, Highwood Dining, Wednesday Evening Gourmet Market, Bloody Mary Festival, Girls Night Out